Robocalls attributed to the Senate campaign of Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have allegedly been encouraging Democrats to get out and vote — in the wrong polling location.

According to several Arizona Democrats who spoke with a local NBC affiliate, the robocall provided directions to their polling place — but the location stated was several miles away from their actual precinct.

"It was totally wrong, totally wrong, and I feel like it was done purposely," Democrat Mary Crecco told the station.

In a statement, Flake denied any willful malice, saying the campaign sent out over 120,000 robocalls targeting registered Republicans, and blamed the incorrect recipients on discrepancies in voter data.

Democratic candidate Richard Carmona, who is currently trailing Flake by five percent according to the latest polls, said "ultimately, Congressman Flake or any other group can't stop anyone from voting who is registered and shows up."

The state's Democratic Party has asked the FBI and other officials to investigate the robocalls; the FBI would not say whether it was investigating the matter, but said it was aware of the situation.

[video via ThinkProgress]