If you're burned out from worrying about family and loved ones in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, In Touch Weekly would like to offer you the chance to worry about someone else: Amanda Bynes.

The magazine reports that the actress was recently spotted strolling around naked in the lobby of a tanning salon in New York City EVEN THOUGH TANNING IS VERY LAST YEAR.

According to the magazine, the parade of delights happened after Bynes was installed in a private room for a Mystic Tan spray session. After realizing the room had not been stocked with protective goggles, she allegedly walked out into the lobby to request some - while nude.

In Touch reports that a witness was struck by how unconcerned Bynes seemed about the fact she was completely naked.

"She didn't seem to care that everyone saw her naked…She took her time walking back to the Mystic room, dragging her fingers along the wall and smiling at customers who passed her…There was definitely something wrong with her."

Note: In Touch offers no date for the alleged nude romp, so it's possible it happened before the storm struck. But really, there's never a good time to walk around a tanning salon lobby naked.

Especially if you haven't even had a chance to tan yet. (Pale.)