Spotify is expanding its extracurricular pursuits past annoying you with their house ads until you get frustrated enough to go premium. The company is now commissioning sexy studies on people, specifically a group of 2,000 British men and women who claim their favorite seductive music is the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.

The project headed by music psychologist Daniel Mullensiefen, set out to "examine the relationship between music, romance and seduction."

Apparently the thing that really gets British folks going is a collection of music that includes both cheesy tunes like Patrick Swayze/Wendy Fraser's "She's Like the Wind," and wonderful, romantic classics like Solomon Burke's "Cry to Me." How these people manage to power through a make-out session without having flashbacks of Patrick Swayze's ridiculous perm, even as Alfie Zappacosta's "Overload" comes blaring through their laptop speakers, I will never understand.

The runner-up, Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing," is a bit more believable, but still predictable enough to ruin the moment. And I don't even know what I would do if someone put on Ravel's "Bolero," the third runner-up in the study, and then wanted to get it on.

Then again, one in three participants identified Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" as "better than sex," strongly suggesting the participants of this study are virgins.

[CNN; image via Shutterstock]