Retailers have just been instructed to pull 23 varieties of Banana Boat UltraMist sunscreen (SPFs 30 and 50) off their shelves over concerns that, in addition to providing ultra waterproof non-greasy protection from the sun, these products could also turn consumers into human torches, igniting on their skin if users touch a flame or spark before the spray has completely dried.

Sort of like fighting fire with fire. But then ending up on fire.

A statement from Banana Boat's parent company, Energizer, attributed the problem to UltraMist's spray valve, which appears to have been over applying the product; this increases the lotion's flammability risk because it takes long to dry. The other problem is that human skin has not yet evolved to become completely flame retardant, so the blame is everywhere, really.

According to Energizer, there have been five reports of people catching on fire after applying the sunscreen in the past year: four in the United States, one in Canada.

In other words: the U.S.A. continues to dominate.

Go U.S.A.

[Associated Press // Image via Robert S. Donovan/flickr]