When we last checked in with internet tech explainer Leo Laporte a year ago, he was accidentally broadcasting screenshots of his sexy Google chats with his business partner Lisa Kentzell by cutting to the contents of his computer screen—"i still smell and taste you. i adore you. (12:13 pm)"—during his show. So what's he up to these days? The exact same thing.

On Sunday's edition of LaPorte's This Week in Tech video podcast, he cut to a shot of his screen to illustrate how many unread emails he had in his inbox. One of those emails was an SMS from Kentzell: "I want you. Your cock inside me. Wanna fuck?" A screenshot is above. You can watch it at the 10 second mark in the video below.

When we wrote about Laporte and Kentzell's little chats last year, he was quick to note that—though he was married at the time, and not to Kentzell—he and his wife had been separated for a year. He also wrote a blog post, since removed, called "Shame on Me, Shame on Gawker" in which he "apologized abjectly and abundantly" to Kentzell.

Publicly reveal private sex chats on the internet through a stupid and easily avoidable mistake once, shame on you. Publicly reveal private sex chats on the internet through a stupid and easily avoidable mistake twice, shame on Gawker. Or something.

[There was a video here]