CNN news anchor Carol Costello was trying her best to have a civilized discussion with American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer about his "values-based" organization's opposition to the Southern Poverty Law Center's diversity-promoting, anti-bullying "Mix It Up at Lunch Day" initiative, but it was not to be.

Fischer, officially the nonprofit's "Director of Issues Analysis," was content to spend their time together calling homosexuality "toxic," and comparing it to "poisoned Halloween candy."

Around the time he began defending his claims that Hitler surrounded himself with homosexual Stormtroopers, Costello decided she had had about as much as she was going to stomach. His remarks about homosexuality being a health risk finally pushed her to terminate their interview.

"That's just not true," Costello tells Fischer before cutting him off. "I'm going to end this interview now, sir, because that's not true."

Not surprisingly, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the American Family Association a hate group.

Watch the full interview below (via Equality Matters):

[H/T: Towleroad, video via RightWingWatch]