Ladies. There is something seriously wrong with your eyebrows.

Fortunately for you, however, there is a cure for this facial hair plague of which you suffer. For a measly $8,000, you can have Megan Fox's eyebrows, almost literally. The procedure is simple: a quick transplant using the hair on your head and soon you'll have the eyebrows (and social life) of Brooke Shields.

According to harbinger of fashion, the Post, big eyebrows are in:

The painstaking and pricey treatment, originally developed for burn and dog-bite victims and later used to remedy baldness in men, is being increasingly used by women for vanity purposes.

So Dr., are there any downsides to this wonderful and not-at-all-ridiculous voluntary procedure?

Unlike natural eyebrows, transplanted brows have to be trimmed because they grow at the same rate as the hair on your head.

That being said, it is okay to play games with your threader, as you might need him or her again when the "Gwen Stefani" look returns and you've surgically implanted a rug on your supraorbital ridge.

[Via New York Post // Image via AP]