It's been nearly a week since the first presidential debate, but the Obama campaign hopes Mitt Romney's Big Bird gaffe is still strong enough in the minds of voters that an ad lampooning the GOP nominee's vow to "crack down on Sesame Street" will slow down the post-debate momentum evident in the latest Pew Research poll.

"Big. Yellow. A menace to our economy," a voiceover intones ominously. "Mitt Romney knows it's not Wall Street you have to worry about, it's Sesame Street."

Politico notes that, while the ad is being called a "TV spot," it doesn't actually appear to be airing anywhere, "suggesting this is a video for media and YouTube consumption."

UPDATE: Sesame Workshop has just released a statement saying they do not approve of Big Bird's appearance in a political ad as they "do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns," and "have requested that the ad be taken down."

[video via]