Today's Song: Hercules and Love Affair "Release Me (Remix by Andrew Butler and Mark Pistel)" (Premiere)

A highlight of the upcoming DJ-Kicks mix (out Nov. 13) by New York dance-music revivalists Hercules and Love Affair, "Release Me," finds Hercules mastermind Andy Butler binging on a variety of retro sources in an otherwise '90s-house focused context. Says Butler of his new track and its vougishly dispassionate singer:
"It features this LA DJ called Whitney Fierce singing. Great name. She has a Bananarama thing going on with her voice. I decided to do something akin to that early '90s mash-up thing. We pulled out old gear, early samplers, so we could get that low bit rate quality. It has that really rough sound. It's very authentic of the period, kind of Stock Aitken Waterman production meets the Hacienda."
The song appears briefly on DJ-Kicks, as tracks on DJ mixes sometimes do. The version below that we're premiereing is a full-length, beefed-up remix from Butler and Mark Pistel (formerly of Consolidated) via the 27!K7 Exclusives series.