Pamela Geller's terrible pro-Israel, anti-Islam subway ads have already been defiled in ways both artistic and journalistic. Now three separate religious organizations—two Christian and one Jewish—are beating Geller at her own game with strategically placed anti-anti-Islam subway ads.

United Methodist Women; Sojourners, a Christian social-justice organization; and Rabbis for Human Rights have teamed up to pay $6,000 for 10 subway ads that will gently attack Geller's posters, sometimes directly (as seen above).

"We think that respectful dialogue is absolutely important and that the work for peace is very difficult," Harriet Olson, CEO of United Methodist Women, told the website Transportation Nation.

Olson's group's ads are already up, and the Sojourners and Rabbis for Human Rights ads will go up Monday.

[Image via Transportation Nation]