Today we've installed an editorial policy at Gawker which I hope will stick for some time: It's about the word "Exclusive" being used in headlines and tags. It should be avoided at all costs, barring strange, unique circumstances wherein we feel it's necessary to inform dumb readers that the story they are reading on this site was generated here and only here despite our dubious reputation as content remoras.

Yes, if you look at the tag for "Exclusive" on Gawker there is some quality stuff there which the "Exclusive" tag hopefully pushed out to a wider audience who were unaware of the site's existence or its ability to generate its own stories. This policy is not being put in place to undermine the work done here in the past; it's more to prevent this site's current iteration from adding additional levels of obnoxious dick-twirling often perpetrated by some other online gossip sweatshops that stumble upon BIG JUICY SCOOPS on an hourly basis because dimwitted celebrity horror shows just happen that frequently. I mean, seriously, you guys, just fuck TMZ in the mouth until they spit blood.

So Hulk Hogan's all mad, but I do hope he takes a moment to appreciate how much worse the coverage of his half-hour sex rodeo would be if it had been acquired by another outlet desperate to score another Exclusive to keep their dim lights shining. Whatever purported wife-sharing shenanigans happened between Hulk and his former best friend Happy the Love Brush or whatever his name is are still floating in the sub-netherworlds of the internet and nowhere near fully-formed. It will probably stay that way unless there's more attention brought to this story than necessary. The information about Hulk and Happy's ordeal can stay Exclusive to them if they want to keep it a joyless memory that may have wrecked some shared relationships they've both since moved on from.

In the meantime, we'll just wait for whatever happens next and focus on other things because this all fades away more quickly when you try to move on.