Remember all those days ago when we first heard the story of Cecil Chao, the Hong Kong billionaire who was offering a $65-million bounty to any man able to woo his daughter away from her wife?

Just over a week later, the story is now being adapted into a comedy with Sacha Baron Cohen. What took so long?

Deadline reports that Baron Cohen will definitely produce the film, tentatively titled The Lesbian. He may also star as the homophobic billionaire — but please, God, not in the style of Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Because this is a Sacha Baron Cohen movie, it will likely be envelope-pushing, which means Baron Cohen's critics will condemn it as racist and homophobic. It's far too early to say whether The Lesbian will fall into either of those categories, but in terms of potentially offensive material for Baron Cohen to adapt, it definitely fits the criteria.

Hopefully Gigi Chao won't be too offended by the negative portrayal of her "loving daddy" Cecil.

[Image via HRC/]