"Your Jewish friend" Sarah Silverman is still on her political kick, this time setting her sights (literally) on voter ID laws and their potential to disenfranchise millions of voters — especially those likely to vote for the incumbent.

"This attempt to prevent voter fraud is itself the only voter fraud taking place," Silverman says in between yuks about her vagina.

Laughs aside, voters in at least 11 states are required to present a valid photo ID to vote, and what constitutes a "valid photo ID" can seem like a bad joke.

"Some students...will not be able to use their student IDs to vote," the comedienne notes, "but, and this is amazing, gun owners can use their firearm permits as ID to vote. It makes perfect sense: Get these kids gun permits! I feel safer from voter fraud already."

You can learn more here. Or just head down to your polling place in November and hope your rights are still intact once you get there.

[Sarah Silverman]