An Iowa couple thought they had picked the perfect spot for their wedding ceremony when they settled on Living History Farms in Urbandale six months ago.

And they were right. In fact, the location was so perfect that President Obama's team decided it would be a great place to hold an impromptu rally on Jon and Sayli's wedding day.

"Just our luck, type of thing," Jon told WOI-TV. "That's kind of how we were both like, oh yeah, figures the one place we choose, the president also chooses."

Unable to access the museum's parking lot, the couple and their entourage were forced to schlep across Hickman Road with the wedding dress and other necessities. The president's speech was expected to go long, meaning the bride and groom were unsure the ceremony would happen at all.

Happily, the rally ended with enough time to allow Jon and Sayli to say their I do's as planned.

And the best part? The president left behind a wedding gift for the couple — a silver tray and a mint julep cup — along with a handwritten note from Michelle and himself congratulating them and their special day and wishing them "a great life together."

Jon and Sayli aren't Democrats, but they know a bipartisan gesture when they see one. "Love him or hate him, it's a gift from the president," Jon told the TV station.

[H/T: Fark, screengrabs via WOI]