It seems Kristen Stewart's cheating is sparkling water under the bridge for Robert Pattinson because the two have reportedly been enjoying each other's company in secret for the past few days.

Following a British rumor that the pair met recently to bury the proverbial wooden stake, People magazine says it has confirmed that Stewart and Pattinson did indeed reunite in Los Angeles over the weekend.

A source who spoke with People says Pattinson's friends "think they'll be a couple again."

E! News says its own insiders have similarly reported sightings of the two together in at least two different places, though could not say whether they had officially re-coupled.

The press tour for the final installment in the Twilight Saga — Breaking Dawn: Part 2 — is expected to start in November. "We're going to be fine," Stewart told red-carpet reporters when asked about the potential for awkwardness. "We're totally fine."

[photo via AP]