Today jurors at the trial of chef David Viens heard a recorded confession explaining why officers could never find his wife's body: he slow-cooked her remains.

In October 2009, Viens "just got violent" and used duct tape to tape his wife Dawn's mouth shut and bind her hands. The next morning, she was dead.

To dispose of the body, Viens submerged it with weights in a 55-gallon drum of boiling water.

I just slowly cooked it and I ended up cooking her for four days.

After four days, Viens was able to easily dispose of the remains — except for his wife's skull, which has not yet been found.

Viens was seriously injured in an October 2011 suicide attempt: when he found out police suspected him of his wife's murder, he jumped off an 80-foot cliff. He survived, but Viens is wheelchair-bound at his trial.

[Image via Shutterstock]