Kristen Stewart Has No Problem Being Topless

Unlike some people, Kristen Stewart isn't shy about taking her top off. As long as it's for a good cause, that is.
And the long-awaited film adaptation of On the Road is a great cause, according to Stewart, who told Access Hollywood she had no apprehension about the onscreen nudity.
It didn't bother me. You can do no wrong with [director Walter Salles]. He puts so much inside of you.
A hackier writer would make a "that's what she said" joke. Luckily, I'm above that.
Stewart says there was a four-week rehearsal process for On the Road, so she was able to work through any anxieties she may have had about the role. When it came time to shoot the topless scenes, she felt secure in her nudity.
Again, she credits that to Salles.
Once we got to set, it was so about just breathing and letting it happen. [Salles] put so much trust in us. So it was like, "OK, so I have to take my clothes off?" It's so not a big [deal].
Of course, looking good naked probably doesn't hurt either.