The highly anticipated Lincoln biopic from director Steven Spielberg gets its first teaser trailer — which is really more of a teaser for the trailer.

The first official full trailer for the Daniel Day-Lewis vehicle is set to be unveiled September 13th at a Google+ Hangout that will be attended by Spielberg and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays Lincoln's oldest son Robert Todd.

The film, which also stars Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones, David Strathairn, Lee Pace, Jackie Earle Haley, James Spader, Hal Holbrook, and Gulliver McGrath, is scheduled to open in theaters everywhere on November 9th.

A brief synopsis follows:

Steven Spielberg directs two-time Academy Award® winner Daniel Day-Lewis in "Lincoln," a revealing drama that focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come.

[H/T: Slashfilm]