An Instagrammed screenshot of an unaired moment during last night's MTV Video Music Awards appears to show a lip-locked moment between Rihanna and former flame Chris Brown.

Captured by the "All Access" cameras working the live Internet feed, the embrace wasn't as scandalous as it seemed — the two merely exchanged polite hugs, cheek pecks, and a head pat — but, as TMZ notes, it was still the first time the erstwhile couple was seen "actually touching each other since the infamous beating incident back in 2009."

Rihanna and Brown have been rumored to be on the verge of getting back together for some time, and the scuttlebutt was bolstered by a recent appearance by RiRi on Oprah's Next Chapter in which the songstress referred to Brown as "the love of my life."

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2012 VMA, Artists.MTV, Music, Rihanna