[There was a video here]

You know how sometimes you overhear a group of 14-year-old girls talking at an Applebee's and one of them—the pretty, grown-up one, or maybe The Australian—says, "Aidan wanted me to give him a blow job last night," and another one, the one in the sweatshirt with a teddy bear rollerblading on it, asks "Why, was his hair wet?" and all the cool girls laugh and laugh, so she laughs too but you can tell she Just Didn't Get It, so you lean over and say "Hey, loser, me and all your cool friends can tell you Just Didn't Get It"?

That's pretty much what happened on Good Morning America today when Isla Fisher told a story about teabagging.

Fisher, Kirsten Dunst, and Lizzy Caplan were all sitting in director-type chairs, giggling and telling naughty anecdotes to promote their new film Bachelorette, which Max Read gives "a 7 probably? 7.5? Maybe an 8?"

"I went to the bathroom momentarily," explains Isla Fisher, in the middle of a story about a visit to a male strip club, "but when I came back, a gentleman had removed his briefs. She was on the stage, lying flat, and he was about to teabag her."

"Are you seri—" begins GMA host Elizabeth Vargas. "Wait, 'teabag her?'"

Oh no, guys. Elizabeth Vargas Just Didn't Get It.

"This is a little early [for that kind of story]" chides Kirsten Dunst, laughing.

"Good morning, America!" adds Lizzy Caplan.

"Good morning!" chirps Elizabeth Vargas automatically, happy the conversation has shifted to good mornings, something she knows a little something about. "What is teabagging?"

"You can Google it later," says Kirsten Dunst, literally patting Elizabeth Vargas on the knee like a kindly mall Santa Claus.

"I'll google it later," promises Elizabeth Vargas.

And visions of waifish actresses sipping exotic brews dance in her head.


[h/t David]