A man in Dayton, Ohio, says he was robbed at gunpoint by two unusually conscientious assailants.

According to a police report, the victim was waiting at a bus stop around 5 AM Tuesday morning when he was approached by two men.

"Give me everything out your pocket," one of the robbers demanded while holding a .22-caliber automatic handgun to the victim's forehead. He promptly handed the men $40 and his cellphone, but, much to his surprise, one of the attackers wanted to know if he had any money left to pay the bus fare.

Fighting back the urge to make an Al Jaffee-esque comeback, the victim simply said he did not. The robber then handed him $2 dollars back before fleeing with his partner in crime.

The two oxymorons are still at large.

[photo via Shutterstock]