Up to a point, Joshua Shelton had a normal Friday night this weekend. The 21 year-old got drunk and passed out in a shack wearing only a t-shirt and his boxers, soaked in his own urine. Who hasn't done that before? Well, the point that separates Shelton's night from yours or mine was that when he woke up, a Wicomico County Sheriff's deputy was there to inform him he'd murdered 70,000 chickens overnight.

It seems as though, in the process of sneaking into a chicken farm's control shack, Shelton somehow managed to turn off the power to three of the property's chicken houses, depriving the chickens of food, water and temperature control. So they all died. The value of the the dead chickens? $20,000, which is, what, 28 cents a chicken?

Anyway, Shelton is being charged with second-degree burglary, trespass and malicious destruction of property, and is being held on $75,000 bond.

[Image via Shutterstock]