Casey Anthony has completed her court-ordered probation and is free to leave Florida, her attorneys said today.

Anthony was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee in July of 2011, but was still required to serve a year of supervised probation for a previous check fraud conviction.

Though she can now legally leave the undisclosed location where she has been living as a hermit for the past 13 months, her attorney, Charles Greene, says his client won't truly be free anywhere in the US.

"[S]he's reviled by a percentage of the population and that will probably never change," he told "She will never be able to walk down the street with anonymity."

Wherever Anthony ends up going, it won't be far: A civil suit brought against her by a woman claiming Anthony tried to frame her for Caylee's murder is set to start in January.

Anthony remains unemployed, but her lawyer suggested she may attempt to shore up her finances by selling her story. "There's things she wants to say, but they need to be on her time, her terms, her conditions," he told ABC News. "I hope that one day she says more."

[photo via AP]