Despite losing the financial backing of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Karl Rove's powerful American Crossroads Super PAC, Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) appears to be charging ahead undaunted in his effort to unseat Sen. Claire McCaskill in the upcoming election.

In an aptly named ad released overnight, Akin asks the voters for forgiveness, saying he was wrong to claim women can't get pregnant from "a legitimate rape."

"The fact is," Akin says, "rape can lead to pregnancy. The truth is, rape has many victims. The mistake I made was in the words I said, not in the heart I hold."

It remains to be seen how Missourians will react to this Akin's apology, but it seems he has good reason not the give up just yet.

A Public Policy Polling snap poll conducted after the congressman made his controversial rape remarks showed that, while Missouri voters strongly disagreed with his comments, they remained supportive of his Senate bid. He currently holds a statistically insignificant 44 to 43 percent lead over McCaskill.

As for those lost ad dollars, Akin yesterday launched an online fundraising drive in the hopes of making up the difference.

[video via Politico]