And the Romney campaign's contentious relationship with the media continues.

Paul Ryan will be meeting donors in private, despite the campaign promising that they would allow media access at fundraisers held in public venues.

The event will be held at Las Vegas hotel The Venetian, owned by billionaire friend-to-the-campaign Sheldon Adelson. So far, Adelson has not donated directly to the Romney campaign, but he has funneled $10 million into the Super PAC supporting Romney.

According to the campaign, the traditional media rules do not apply here, because this isn't even a fundraiser.

A Romney aide told reporters that the event in Las Vegas is not a fundraiser but a "finance event," and therefore closed to reporters. The aide would not say what the distinction is between the two, declining to say whether the campaign is collecting checks at the event.

If funds happen to be raised — well, then, that's just the donors' prerogative.

[Image via AP]