Next Edition of Webster's Dictionary Will Define 'F-Bomb,' 'Sexting,' and 'Man Cave'

One hundred new words have made their way into Merriam-Webster's august lexicon of the English language, and among them are some of the more "colorful" expressions used by speakers of the modern tongue.
"F-bomb," "Man Cave," "Aha Moment," "Sexting," and "Gastropub" are just a few of the terms given official definitions in the 2012 edition of Merriam Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary.
"Some of the new words this year provide colorful images," M-W editor-at-large Peter Sokolwski said in a statement. "Terms like 'man cave,' 'underwater' (when used to describe mortgages), 'earworm,' and 'bucket list' paint vivid pictures in your mind. They show that English-speakers can be very creative as they describe the world around them."
The word causing by far the most commotion is "F-bomb," which M-W associate editor Kory Stamper calls "very visually evocative." Merriam-Webster will be the first mainstream dictionary to put the controversial colloquialism to print.
"It's not just the F-word," said Stamper. "It's F-bomb. You know that it's going to cause a lot of consternation and possible damage."
You can check out the top 25 new dictionary additions and their definitions over here.
[screengrab via AP]