Hey look, Iran's Supreme Leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has joined Instagram. His feed is a quirky mix of blue-hued clouds above Supreme Leader HQ and selfies of him trying on different flowy robes late at night while "Jamin to Fiona Apple."

Kidding. Of course it's a bunch of boring press shots. But this is a landmark of sorts: The definitive point at which Instagram is no longer cool. If it didn't already happen when hundreds of thousands of tweens flooded after Justin Bieber joined, or when it was bought by boring Facebook for $1 billion, certainly the presence of the unelected religious leader of a repressive regime erases any innate coolness from Instagram. It's as if a Hard Rock cafe opened up in the heart of Williamsburg. On the upside, we can all stop making the tired joke that Instagram is for hipsters.

You gotta feel for the one or two Iranians who may have been able to evade the country's strict internet censorship and join Instagram. Now their Supreme leader has joined and blown up their spot. Remember how annoying it was when your parents joined Facebook and you had to untag yourself from all those drunk party pics?

[via The Atlantic]