Report: Psychiatrist Referred James Holmes to Threat Assessment Task Force Before Aurora Shooting

Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes reportedly raised serious red flags with his psychiatrist prior to the July 20 massacre, sources told Denver media outlets.
7News reports that Dr. Lynne Fenton, head of student mental health services at the University of Colorado Denver's Anschutz Medical Campus, alerted the school's "behavioral evaluation and threat assessment" team — or BETA — that Holmes could pose a danger to other students.
According to the CU Denver website, BETA consists of university officials from a variety of departments related to student conduct and well-being. No police officers are on the team, nor is it "an administrative, treatment, or disciplinary body."
"Fenton made initial phone calls about engaging the BETA team" in early June, said one source, but no action was taken as Holmes was already on his way out. Once he left school, BETA "had no control over" Holmes, and Fenton's concerns were never brought to the attention of law enforcement officials.
The sources could not say what triggered Dr. Fenton's alarm, but noted that "it takes more than just statements" and was likely the result of specific and serious concerns. "He would have to tell her he had taken steps to make it happen," a source said.
University officials would not comment on the report, citing the court's gag order, and CU board of regents chairman Michael Carrigan told 7News, "It's the first I'm hearing about this."
Twelve people were killed during the shooting, and at least 58 were wounded. Holmes faces myriad murder, attempted murder, and weapons charges. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for November 13th.
[photo via AP]