Lana Del Rey recently added a cover of Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped Box" to her on-tour repertoire — a song which holds special meaning for the Born to Die chanteuse.

"When I was 11, I saw Kurt Cobain singing 'Heart-Shaped Box' on MTV and it really stopped me dead in my tracks," Del Rey said in a Sirius FM interview last year. "I thought he was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Even at a young age, I really related to his sadness."

Not one to let sentiment get in the way of a good vagina story, Courtney Love chimed in on Twitter with some priceless advice for Del Rey.

"You do know the song is about my Vagina right? 'Throw down your umbilical noose so i can climb right back,' umm…" Love twatted. "On top of which some of the lyrics about my vagina I contributed. So umm next time you sing it, think about my vagina will you?"

No response yet from Camp Del Rey.

[H/T: AV Club, Uproxx, NME, tweet via