A notice reportedly posted at Chick-fil-A restaurants across the country claims the company has voluntarily recalled the Jim Henson Creature Shop toys it recently began including in Kids Meals due to "a possible safety issue."

According to the recall announcement, "there have been some reports of children getting their fingers stuck in the holes of the puppets."

Though the notice is dated July 19th — one day prior to the Jim Henson Company's Facebook post declaring that it would no longer do business with the fast-food purveyor over its attitude toward same-sex marriage — it remains unclear when the signs were actually put up.

The Cheature Shop toys were expected to be available until August 18th.

Meanwhile, more inflammatory rhetoric from Chick-fil-A's president and COO Dan Cathy has surfaced.

In audio from a recent event at Hope Community Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, Cathy can be heard telling attendees that Godlessness has led to some "twisted up kind of stuff" like "Washington trying to redefine the definition of marriage."

He continues:

Because we have not acknowledged God and because we have not thanked God...we have been left victim to the foolishness of our own thoughts, and as result, we are suffering the consequences of a society and culture who has not acknowledged God or not thanked God-he's left us to a deprived mind. It's tragic and we live in a culture of that today.

UPDATE: The note's legit. Chick-fil-A tell us they have recalled the toys out of concern for "children getting their fingers stuck in the holes of the puppets."

[H/T: Towleroad, image via Wipe Out Homophobia]