Stacey Wilson Betts of Oregon filed a lawsuit against teen pop star Justin Bieber alleging she sustained permanent damage to her ears at a concert she attended with her daughter in 2010.

Betts accuses Bieber of negligence for "entic[ing] the crowd into a frenzy of screams by continuously waving his arms in a quick and upward motion." She says the "heart-shaped aluminum/steel gondola" erected on stage acted as a "sound conductor" which generated a "sound blast that permanently damaged both of my ears."

For her pain and tinnitus Betts is demanding the "Boyfriend" singer, his label, the concert promoter, and the arena fork over $9.23 million in damages.

"What would she expect by going to the concert," legal analyst Dana Cole told ABC News, "that everybody would be quiet and polite?"

Woman Sues Justin Bieber for Hearing Loss She Claims Was Caused by Screams of Frenzied Fans
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[photo via AP, video via TMZ]