Minnesota for Marriage, an umbrella organization campaigning to add a "marriage definition" amendment to the North Star State's constitution, seemed to take things too far when it posted a bible quote to its official Facebook page that appeared to condone the execution of homosexuals.

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable," reads the verse (Leviticus 20:13) that was posted last night. "They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Earlier today, the group's deputy campaign manager Andy Parrish issued a tweet claiming the Minnesota for Marriage Facebook page had been hacked, along with his personal Twitter, Facebook, and Gmail accounts. Parish, who also happens to be Michele Bachmann's former chief of staff, called the controversial post "garbage," and told the alleged hackers "I won't be intimidated."

The group's communications director, Chuck Darrell, insisted in a statement to TPM that the group's message has consistently been "very pro-family, pro-children, pro-marriage," but "there's always somebody in this game that wants to inflict or inject a hateful, divisive message, and that's what happened here."

He said a search was underway for the "person who committed this act," and they will be prosecuted "to the full extent of the law."

This latest incident comes just one day after the blog Good As You exposed a series of decidedly anti-gay statements made by the Minnesota for Marriage-affiliated website, Minnesota Pastors For Marriage.

Among other things, the site calls homosexuality a "deceptive perversion," and compares it to "pedophilia" and other "behaviors" that are "destructive to our human dignity, our relationships, our personalities," and "our society."

[screengrab via TPM]