Louis C.K. Sells Stand-Up Show Tickets Directly to Fans, Eliminates Infuriating Service Charges

Hot on the heels of the wildly successful, industry-shifting crowdfunding experiment that saw him sell an independently produced comedy special for just $5 on his own website, Louis C.K. is once again rattling the cage of traditional channels by selling tickets to his upcoming standup tour exclusively through his website.
He explained his decision in an open letter to fans:
Making my shows affordable has always been my goal but two things have always worked against that. High ticket charges and ticket re-sellers marking up the prices. Some ticketing services charge more than 40% over the ticket price and, ironically, the lower I've made my ticket prices, the more scalpers have bought them up, so the more fans have paid for a lot of my tickets.
By selling the tickets exclusively on my site, I've cut the ticket charges way down and absorbed them into the ticket price. To buy a ticket, you join NOTHING. Just use your credit card and buy the damn thing. opt in to the email list if you want, and you'll only get emails from me.
Tickets will cost exactly $45 — nothing more, nothing less, no matter the venue, no matter the seat.
Because the main point behind this endeavor is to avoid needless mark-ups, C.K. promises to enforce a strict No Scalping policy that will involve canceling the ticket, but also refunding the original purchase price.
The tour officially kicks off October 3rd at Severance Hall in Cleveland. As you might have guessed, seats are selling out in a hurry, so you might want to step on it if you're into seeing Louis C.K. live.
Bonus C.K. Below — Louis visits The Tonight Show, tells Jay Leno he has a weird face:
Part 1:
Part 2:
[photo via Getty]