Florida's State Attorney was looking forward to taking the Sunshine State's newly minted anti-bestiality law out for a spin on Eric Antunes of Clearwater, but the heavy-petter was spared because of a loophole that makes it technically legal to perform oral sex on an animal.

"We need to close up this loose loophole," said Suncoast Animal League executive director Rick Chaboudy. "This is one of those crimes that you can't possibly imagine that it goes on, but I'm sure at one point in time, somebody said the same thing about child pornography."

The state's anti-kiddie-porn laws are airtight, which is unfortunate for Antunes, since he's also charged with breaking a few of those.

Last month, police received a tip about Antunes' child porn collection, only to turn up cellphone photos of the former Pinellas County Humane Society employee having untoward relations with his girlfriend's dog. The girlfriend, who was the Human Society shelter's medical director, reportedly had no idea what Antunes was up to.

According to Assistant State Attorney Beverly Andringa, only one of the six photos found on the cellphone "would meet the strict criteria of the statute," and because it might have been snapped before the bestiality law went into effect, prosecutors have decided not to pursue a bestiality charge.

Antunes will still have to answer to three counts of possession, control or intentional viewing of child pornography.

He was home Tuesday, but declined to comment.

[photo via PCSO]