It seems like as good of a day as any to post Peggy Scott's 1997 downlow-discourse trailblazer "Bill," not only because we're in the midst of Gay Pride Month but also because, well, you know. "There are no words that can describe what I felt inside / When I found out the man I love loves another guy," sings Peggy before sharing that she was "ready" to find her husband in the arms of another woman, not another man. The reason remains between the lines, but it's not hard to discern that it's homophobia — the line about Bill, her husband's titular lover, wanting to be her kids' "stepmom" confirms it.

"Bill" is maudlin and melodramatic to be ridiculous, a non-self-aware iteration of "Another Man," Barbara Mason's sassy and similarly themed Garage classic. "Bill," then, achieves one of the most amusingly contradictory sensibilities of our modern age: anti-gay camp. This has curio-for-life status.