Leila Neve was getting ready to say goodbye to her comatose daughter Charlotte when Adele's hit song "Rolling in the Deep" came on the radio, and the seven-year-old suddenly began smiling.

Charlotte suffered a hemorrhage in mid-April, and had been in a coma since. Doctors managed to prolong her life with surgery, but did not expect her to survive much longer. After a series of strokes reduced Charlotte's chances of survival even further, her family was advised to prepare for the worst.

Ms. Neve had just climbed into Charlotte's hospital bed for a final cuddle when the radio started playing Adele's "Rolling in the Deep." The two would often sing the song together, so Ms. Neve did just that.

"Charlotte started smiling and I couldn't believe it," she said. "It was the first time she had reacted to anything since the hemorrhage. The nurses were astounded and told me to keep singing, and she smiled again."

Two days later, Charlotte was speaking; two months later, she was back in school.

"Charlotte has been brilliant," her mother says. "She is so determined and brave. The doctors have stopped telling us what she should be able to do - because she has amazed them so much."

[photo via AP]