In "Hang Up the Phone," the new single from Lipa Schmeltzer, who has been called "the Jewish Elvis" according to Wikipedia, the Hasidic and robotic meet.

Wait, what?

This plays like a Tim & Eric video and the metal yarmulkes are camp, but it otherwise seems sincere? Or like it's merely winking at most when the entire thing is a giant guffaw? The YouTube description says the album that this comes from, Leap of Faith has "hard hitting lyrics in both English and Yiddish." This particular song features, "Oy vey gevalt," as well as, "All the hocus pocus ever tries to choke us / It's making such a ruckus we can barely focus." How's that for hard hitting?

That said, I kind of like his voice in this context? There's some Italo disco realness here along the lines of Miko Mission or Fred Ventura. Of course, unintentional hilarity is a key feature of Italo, so that's faint praise.