LAPD Looking Into Possible Luka Magnotta Connection to Hollywood Body Parts Murder

A Montreal police official has confirmed that LA detectives are probing a potential link between the gruesome "Body Parts Murder" that took place in Montreal last month and the unsolved murder of Hervey Medellin — a gay flight attendant whose head, hands, and feet were found near the Hollywood sign in January.
Though police are investigating the possibility that porn actor Luka Magnotta is tied to both crimes, they believe the likelihood of his involvement in the murder of Medellin to be slim.
Magnotta was in LA at the time of the Hollywood Hills homicide according to Montreal police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere. According to the UK's Sun, he was working as a prostitute in the LA area in January, and Facebook ads promoting Magnotta as "an L.A.-based masseuse" around the time Medellin's body parts were discovered appear to confirm this.
Magnotta was arrested at a Berlin Internet cafe on Monday, and has been held in Germany since. Police say they will proceed with their investigation once they've obtained a sample of his DNA.