Ted Kaczynski, better known to mail recipients everywhere as the Unabomber, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for killing three people and injuring nearly two dozen others, so it came as little surprise to his former Harvard classmates that he was unable to attend their 50th class reunion.

Still, Kaczynski was kind enough to send along a very necessary update to his bio for the Class of 1962's alumni report.

In his succinct entry for the so-called "red book," Kaczynski listed his current occupation as "prisoner," and, under "awards," wrote "Eight life sentences, issued by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, 1998."

Kaczynski also mentions that his book, Technological Slavery, was published by Feral House in 2010, and is available wherever Neo-Luddite manifestos are sold.

Though it initially said Kaczynski's entry was within the red book's guidelines, the Harvard Alumni Association has since released a statement saying it regretted publishing it, and apologizing "for any distress that it may have caused others."

Susan Mosser, widow of Unabomber victim Thomas Mosser, said she was "disappointed," but acknowledged that not publishing Kaczynski's update would likely have resulted in a lawsuit against Harvard.

Class of 62 alumnus John Higginson said the entry reflects poorly on Kaczynski, not the school. Another one of Kaczynski's classmates, Gary Peterson, said he found humor in the murderer's notoriety, noting that "he's more famous than anyone else in our class."

[photo via AP]