An unemployed electrician from Green, Ohio, embarked on a quest last Friday to set a new record for the world's longest individual fist-pump.

Using good ol' fashioned super glue to keep his right hand shut for the duration of the pump, James Peterson began his whirlwind record-breaking attempt at Manny's Pub in Akron, beating up the beat to "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen.

The glue gave in around the 15-hour mark, but Peterson pounded on for another full hour before calling it quits.

The 34-year-old "veteran fist pumper" told the Akron Beacon Journal that, while he didn't feel any serious aches in the aftermath of his fist-pumping marathon, he "did get a nasty sunburn."

All attention (and sympathies) turn to the good folks at Guinness World Records, who will now need to spend at least 16 hours listening to Carly Rae Jepsen while they review Peterson's claim to fame.

[Arbroath, photo via @NotSoGROSS3 via IBTimes]