A million dollars isn't cool. You know what— oh, whatever, you know the rest. The Avengers continues to dominate the box office, both domestic and international. This weekend, the superhero movie earned $103.2 million here and another $95.4 million overseas. Add that to the money it's already made, and yep, we've crossed the $1 billion line.

In second place, Tim Burton's Dark Shadows, which took in $28.8 million. Not much compared to what The Avengers made — and frankly not much for a Tim Burton-Johnny Depp collaboration either way. Even 2005's Charlie and the Chocolate factory debuted at almost twice that number, with $56.2 million.

But back to The Avengers' record-breaking weekend: first movie to earn $100 million domestically its second weekend, first movie to hit $300 million domestically after being out for nine days. (It took Avatar 10 days. Sucks to be you, Avatar.)

Hopefully these numbers mean we'll be seeing more intelligent, complex superhero films. (We do have The Dark Knight Rises to look forward to.) And maybe fewer Tim Burton rehashes with Johnny Depp in a lot of makeup? Just a thought.

[Image via AP]