Last night, Politico published a breakdown of how ABC's Robin Roberts scored the President Obama gay marriage interview yesterday and, through several producers and media analysts, offered up these non-media-related credentials: Black. Christian. 50-year-old. Sports fan. Female.

The only part the report omitted was the near-open secret that Roberts is a lesbian. A source close to ABC executives told us that although the interview is, at this point, the biggest of her professional career, Roberts wasn't overly enthusiastic about the scoop because she thought it would bring her own sexuality to the forefront.

"Most of the discussions [among TV people] today about why Robin got the interview have to do with her being gay," a source told Gawker. "Not that she's black, or friends of the Obamas."

"Obviously they picked her because she's black and gay," said another industry insider familiar with the selection.

Plus, her mother was in town to visit her in New York, sources say. Watershed interview with POTUS or not, Roberts didn't want to stand up mom.

A long time ESPN reporter prior to joining GMA, Roberts has always managed to safely navigate her open secret without any Anderson Cooper-level of commotion. But after sitting across from Obama as he vocalized his "evolved" stance on gay marriage for the first time, it will be more difficult for the ABC anchor to sidestep.

"It's hardly a secret in the business," the insider said. "I've seen her girlfriend. She's around the building all the time—very attractive and well-dressed."


Internet behemoth Matt Drudge, who has just directed his readers to this post, is also commonly understood to be gay.


Internet behemoth Matt Drudge, who is commonly understood to be gay, is no longer directing his readers to this post.


Internet behemoth Matt Drudge, who is commonly understood to be gay, has yet to respond to the New York Observer's inquiries regarding the preceding updates to this post.


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Photo: Getty.