Here's Obama's new campaign ad, to be aired in battleground states like Pennsylvania, Nevada, Iowa, and Florida. It's not as hilarious as some of the attack ads we've seen recently, but it is a major effort, costing $25 million dollars for a month of airtime.

The ad is called "Go," but it also highlights the campaign slogan "Forward." And naturally, it's already been criticized by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.

For someone whose campaign slogan is "forward," President Obama spends a lot of time looking backward and blaming others for the state of the American economy.

But that's just the opinion of one man, whose name sounds like that of a minor Star Wars character.

Now that new polls are showing a tighter race between Obama and Mitt Romney, the President will need to work especially hard to convince voters in swing states that he's taking the country in the right economic direction.