Much of the time, when a mother adds her child on Facebook, she finds herself thrown on limited profile lockdown real quick—if her request is not ignored entirely.

Sometimes, though, she just ends up having sex with that child.

Facebook is great for reconnecting.

Mistie Atkinson, a 32-year old woman who hails from Nice, California, is due back in court next week to answer to charges she instigated a sexual relationship with her 16-year-old son, after reaching out to him via Facebook following a fifteen year estrangement.

Atkinson, who looks a bit like a low-rent Angelina Jolie, was arrested in March after police serving a search warrant found her in a hotel room with her son.

Per the arrest affidavit, "Atkinson and the victim are aware they are biological mother and son."

Might have been helpful to play the ignorant card there, but at least they were honest.

According to the court documents, videos on the boy's phone allegedly show Atkinson performing oral sex on and engaging in sexual intercourse with her son a month prior to her March 2nd arrest. (Who convinced whom that filming that might be cool?)

Atkinson is also accused of sending nude digital photos to the boy, and of exchanging sexually explicit messages with him. In those messages, police state, the two fantasized about running away together in what likely would have proven one uncomfortable family vacation.

Atkinson was charged on March 2 with four felonies: oral copulation of a minor, contact with a minor for a sexual offense, "sending harmful matter" to a minor, and, the big one, committing incest.

She pleaded not guilty to all charges on March 9 is being held in jail on $200,000 bail.

If convicted, Atkinson faces up to 5 years in prison, after which point she would be free to get on with her life, perhaps by reconnecting with old flames via Facebook.

The father of Atkinson's biological son has since obtained a restraining order against her.

He has full custody of the teenager. Obviously.

[Napa Valley Register via NY Daily News // Image via Shutterstock]