It was touch-and-go for a while there, but George Zimmerman is back on the internet. Well, by way of his lawyers. Although Zimmerman's original site has been taken down, Zimmerman's legal team have created a social media presence on their client's behalf. Makes sense, since the first site helped the accused raise $200,000.

Say hello to George Zimmerman Legal Case and the accompanying Twitter account and Facebook page. For those in need of a refresher, Zimmerman is currently facing second-degree murder charges for the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

The new George Zimmerman website is certainly a lot more attractive than the last offering — and so far, no photos of vandalized black community centers have been posted. The site explains that it exists for several reasons, namely discrediting fraudulent websites, "providing a voice for Mr. Zimmerman," and, of course, raising money. The donation site is not up yet, but rest assured, it will be soon.

This type of site is new terrain, which explains the "O, brave new world" post on the front page.

We contend that social media in this day and age cannot be ignored. It is now a critical part of presidential politics, it has been part of revolutions in the Middle East, and it is going to be an unavoidable part of high-profile legal cases, just as traditional media has been and continues to be. We feel it would be irresponsible to ignore the robust online conversation, and we feel equally as strong about establishing a professional, responsible, and ethical approach to new media.

Shorter version: everyone needs a blog.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, O'Mara does respond to the $200,000 raised on the first website. Turns out Zimmerman did spend a chunk of the money he made, but the remainder is now being handled by his lawyer.

[Image via AP]