Kourtney Kardashian Feels Super Claustrophobic, You Guys

Get those cameras off of her — the oldest Kardashian daughter says she's "feeling claustrophobic," according to her blog post, "Feeling Claustrophobic."
USA Today was the first to pick up on the "Kourtney Kardashian is claustrophobic" story, which they reported using one of my favorite ledes, maybe ever: "Pickles, ice cream, and panic attacks." It's like that old game show Pyramid. Pickles, ice cream, panic attacks — "things I hoard"?
Of course, Kourtney's claustrophobia has nothing to do with the E! cameras documenting her entire life. According to her blog post, she just really hates the airport.
Here we are at LAX on my birthday after arriving home from a birthday trip to Mexico. I have been claustrophobic just recently in my third trimester of my pregnancy. I had a small panic attack in customs when they stopped everyone in a tunnel. Looking behind me all I could see was people and in front of me tons of people and I couldn't even tell where the tunnel ended. I had to just run to the front of the line because I literally couldn't breathe. It's a horrible feeling and I'm hoping that it goes away after my pregnancy. I hate that feeling of being trapped with no control. Ahhh deep breath!
Kardashians: they're just like us.