Justin Bieber is getting into all sorts of International hot waters across pond, where he is currently previewing Believe — his first studio release as an adult recording artist.

Coming off accusations of being an Anglophobe for allegedly "mocking" the Queen's English, Bieber is now being asked to explain remarks he made reducing the world's largest Muslim nation to a mere "random country."

Speaking with reporters at the London premiere of his third album, Bieber commented on the track "Be Alright," saying it was recorded "in some random country" where the studio staff "didn't know what they were doing." His manager Scooter Braun made things much worse for his young client when he clarified that Bieber was referring to Indonesia — a country of some 240 million people, including many devoted JUZ10 fans.

Not surprisingly, some of those fans were pretty peeved. The "official" Bieber Indonesia Twitter account shot off a tweet asking both Bieber and Braun to confirm reports of his diss, but so far, the singer and his rep remain mum.

[photo via WENN]