Early yesterday morning, Arianna Huffington's AOL email address sent a spam hyperlink to numerous people in her address book. It was an email virus, the apparent product of a hack on the AOL News headmistress' personal account.

"I uploaded an important document that i want you to see," the message of dubious origin read. "Click here to view the document using google docs, just sign in with your email."

The link in question brings the user to a scam website that tricks recipients into giving it their passwords, so that it may attack their address books and send viruses from their email accounts, too.

Within minutes of receiving Arianna's virus, one recipient received a message from a Huffington employee. "Arianna's AOL account emailed me (presumably a virus) this morning. I wonder who will be castrated for this oversight."

Click image to enlarge.

I hereby dub this the Spamianna Spoofington Debacle of 2012. Phishing scams can happen to anyone!

Arianna did not reply to our request for comment, from her AOL account or otherwise.

UPDATE: Huffington confirms email hack.

[Image via AP]