[There was a video here]

Beatboxing pioneer/rapper-warbler Biz Markie appeared on an episode of Bio.'s Celebrity House Hunting last night. Desiring to move from his suburban place to Washington, D.C., Biz emphasized that his main objective was to create a "museum" for all of his stuff. There's so much of it. Audio tapes and VHS tapes and sneakers and records and, most surprisingly, Barbies. Biz calls himself an "avid" collector of the dolls with no trace of irony or shame. 2012 is an exciting time for masculinity.

The entire episode is worth watching. At one point, Biz is seen drooling (uncontrollably?) when meeting a broker. At another, he narrates his happenings with rhymes: "I'm Biz Markie and I'm in Washington, D.C., looking at a house for me."

Spoiler alert: He ends up going with a place that's "100 percent Huxtable" and on the market for $3.5 million. It's never stated whether he actually buys it, but that he's so optimistic about his finances makes me feel like he's doing OK. He's one fewer person that the youth-oriented music-industry didn't just chew up and spit out. Good for Biz.