Strong Storm System Across Midwest: 121 Tornadoes Touch Down

A powerful storm system hit the Midwest last night, and is expected to continue today: 121 tornadoes were reported. At one point, the twisters "popped up faster than they could be tallied."
As is so often the case these days, much of the ground reporting on the storms came from locals taking to Twitter.
"Total destruction at trailer park south off 47th and Clifton," Wichita Eagle photographer Travis Heying (@travisheying) tweeted around 11 p.m., saying that he could hear voices in the rubble. He later tweeted photos at the Pinaire Mobile Home Park showing survivors walking through heavy damage, with one photo showing a man digging through the rubble: "This man shouted, 'Quiet! I hear a voice.'"
The surrounding county was declared a state of disaster, with estimates of damages as high as $283 million. At least 10 tornadoes were reported across Kansas.
Iowa and Nebraska were also hit. The tiny town of Thurman in Fremont county was 75 percent destroyed — thankfully without any injuries or fatalities. Some of the town's 250 residents sought refuge at city hall. Nebraska saw baseball-sized hail and tornadoes.
Chris Vaccaro, spokesman for the Storm Prediction Center in Oklahoma, warns that the threat is not over.
Severe weather is possible in a swath from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan south to eastern Texas and Louisiana.
Officials continue to clear rubble from affected areas — all while preparing for the possibility of more tornadoes and extreme weather later today.
[Image via AP]